Saturday, October 25, 2008

well, actually, since i dont know enough italian vocabulary to read the political section of an italian "news source"...

i get my news from cnn, msnbc, and, occasionally, i go onto to spy and see what egregious offense against humanity it is that they are "reporting". and im not so sure that europeans are "biased" toward obama, i just think they have an outsiders perspective and are a bit more liberal overall, so yes, most of the europeans i meet are definitely pro-obama. what happens in america directly and, in alot of cases severely, effects what happens in the rest of the world, so their interests are at stake here, too. ive found that most of the people that i speak with over here are incredibly informed on american current events, as well as american history, and this election is a big deal to them, so they are not taking either candidate lightly.
i am well aware of what it is joe biden said, thank you. i think its the stupidest thing i have ever heard and an obvious misstep, but the message he was trying to convey was, you will see how strong our candidate is. the quote was taken out of context and used as a weapon of doubt by the mccain campaign, and what they turned it into was a threat, a threat that if people dont vote one way, dreadful things will happen, so if you dont want ahmadinejad kicking down your door in the middle of the night, vote for me.

but, you know, this is all a matter of opinion, all a matter of how one wants to view the situation.
however i find it a little insulting that i am accused of merely "jumping on a bandwagon" because i am voting for obama, insinuating that i am merely young and uninformed and doing the popular thing, instead of maybe considering that i take this very seriously, i am conscious of both sides of the debate and what is at stake for our country, and my passion for obama comes from my love for america and what i think it is that we need to become a stronger country. i am not dim to how much "manure" is being slopped around these days, how much manure has been allowed to be slopped around for a long, long time, which is why i am making the decision that i am.

what is this, if not fear mongering?

i love you all.

love, eleanor


Anonymous said...

Eleanor is correct. Senator Biden simply made a statement of fact, a fact that Senator Lieberman gave as just one of the many reasons he endorsed Senator McCain. "Our enemies will test the new president early. Remember that the truck bombing of the World Trade Center happened in the first year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 happened in the first year of the Bush administration."( Face The Nation –June, 2008) The Obama campaign did not turn this statement into a creepy commercial as the McCain camp did immediately following Biden’s speech. Perhaps Eleanor, the McCain people are not used to Democrats saying that they are prepared and that they are strong on defense. Perhaps these folks have forgotten about our wonderful Democratic Sam Nunn from Georgia.

Unknown said...

Eleanor You are exactly right when it comes to the fear mongering. This is the oldest trick in the book. Many men have come to power riding on a wave of a distressed population. For the American people to not recognize how the loud sensationalist information feed to us on a daily bases is just there way to create an upset of fear with in our country, to demand a more powerful government that will bully other nations in support of our goals it is more than troublesome it is terrifying. Youth has nothing to do with this argument, but education surly does. The documentation gathered and presented to the American people is tainted with to tips of government's nasty little fingers. They can stir all they want but the educated population will never be fooled. So to those that belittle you by calling your decision a light and "popular idea" I say we should be thanking you for not taking what is feed to you as truth but realize there are powerful people creating a setting to ensure there mission of absolute power will be accomplished by the instrumental use of the American people in the devastation of another nation for oil. The youth are the ones dieing for the stupidity of the older generations ignorant fear.

Anonymous said...

It was never my intention to insult you in any way and I appologize that my words were harsh and made you feel that way. We all feel strongly about this election and my passion should not have lead me to be snippy.

The bandwagon I was referring to was the media, not your candidate. I appreicate how you are involved and educated about the issues in this election and I enjoy debating about the the future of our country and where each candidate will take us. We have had many with Hogan over the past few months. I did not intend to belittle or call your decision a light and popular idea. I hope we are ok??

Keep having fun and keep making the best of your time in Italy.
Aunt Alice

Anonymous said...

It's so easy to be for the socialist model of redistribution of wealth when you have no income, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

yeah it's about as easy as throwing around terms you heard on fox news like "socialism" when you don't know what they mean. because letting rich people run the show through unregulated free market capitalism has obviously worked really well. this way we get to redistribute a trillion dollars of wealth to banks and insurance companies. but don't call that socialism, oh no, since it must have been poor people who came up with sub-prime mortgages and credit default swaps.

Anonymous said...

ps - you guys are gonna lose the election, big time. start brushing up on your marx, comrade.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is interesting how quickly folks jumped on this “socialism” bandwagon. Obama’s plan is to give tax cuts to all families whose income is 200K or less, so this includes most Americans. Thankfully, however, in our great country one’s right to vote and be part of the political process does not depend on income. We jumped into the Iraq war because we were afraid and angry. We listened to the talking heads. We allowed them, encouraged them, to do horrible things in our name because we lacked the courage to take an honest look at the evidence. Today our middle class has all but disappeared. In 1980, CEOs were paid 40 times the average worker; today they are paid 600 times more. We are on the brink of becoming a rich-poor nation. We do not have to become socialist in order to grow our middle class. There is a great deal that the political process can do to help restore our middle class, if we will only have the courage to let it.