Friday, November 21, 2008

aunt kelli, with you its not a scent thing, its image. when i see women who are cute, petit, brunette, and wear red and hunter green (i dont know, for some reason i associate these colors with you) i.e. resemble you i tend to automatically trust them more and feel at ease. the most recent example is when last year or so i was applying for a job in an office at UGA, and a woman named danielle richards was interviewing me. i remember my first thought i had when i saw her was that she looked alot like you, and it made me happy. i even came home and told john, "i dont know if ill get that job, but the lady looked alot like aunt kelli, so i calmed down and i think the interview went well". not really sure how to put it into words, but i definitely relate you with good, safe, lovely things as well.
gah, ok, is travel day. have mild fever and my throat is swolen shut. seems like everyone in europe is sick right now, has been in the past week, or feels something coming on. feel like i have a rare disease or something, is awful. and paris is freezing cold so maybe will only get worse. good thing im going to montpellier where they make these special little candies which my friend frederic says are really only eaten when you have a "sick throat". will be in good hands.
ok, have alot to do, have to get going and stop watching youtube. ugh, might throw up.
i love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew you loved me! lol Seriously, thanks for the sweet words. I'm worried about you now though. Can you go to the European equivalent of a doc-in-the-box and get an antibiotic or something???? I don't want you to feel bad during your time with Quinelope in Paris. :(
