Saturday, May 9, 2009

well i mean nothing happened after that, that was the gist of it. more of the same and therefore nothing. he left the room to go get peetry dishes (sp?) or something and i thought i would burst into tears. also told some terrible lie about another american girl who is coming to work in the lab, and my immediate response was insane jealousy, as i had a horrible flash of her being cuter, smarter, and speaking fluent italian, rendering me a complete idiot. "are you jealous?", he asked, with an evil grin, and the look on my face must have been so terrible, becuase he immediately said, "don't worried, shes married. and 30." i just dont even know anymore. have to stop sitting around listening to sad vince gill songs. time to recharge with...
so yesterday was wonderful. managed, unfortunately, to sleep through my 9am train ride, so class was void for the day. slept soundly until 11, when i dragged myself outside to continue to sleep in the bright may sunshine. at about noon i took a walk downtown for no specific purpose, just prancing about in my sundress smelling roses and smiling at the citizens of cormons. ate a huge lunch at a tiny cafe downtown, all local ham and cheese and fresh vegetables and bread, and read 'to kill a mockingbird'. spent the afternoon taking photos with mamas camera and learning my new vocabulary. the white fluffy flowers continued to fall, making it look like snow was pouring down over sunny cormons, and when the wind blew it would get so thick i could open my arms wide and spin about and find tiny flowers in my hair. met FL and some of his friends at porchis later in the evening and laughed alot and ate more ham with those jovial, adorable italians.
so all is well, better than well. going to the beach today with FL, and supposedly tomorrow my friend from slovenia is going to come visit. monday will be monday and tuesday is MAMA!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking about white things blowing thru the air makes my nose itch. Keep in mind that this time of year there is alot of yellow stuff going thru the air and landing on our cars around here. Thank goodness for the rain.

Love you,......AK