Friday, February 4, 2011

Things are looking up, up, up my loves.

A loophole has been found in the extracomunitari-meets-Italian-work-force battle, enabling me to, well, work.

This communist bar- EventualMente- that I have been so lovingly roped into is not a public place.  It is a "Circolo", a private club, which means that it requires a membership and fees upon entrance.  There are laws, naturally, which govern if a circolo is abiding by the laws of being a circolo (namely, everyone must have a membership card while inside the bar, which forfeits medical rights and other such things, enter-at-your-own-risk and so forth), but outside of that it is self-governing.  As a result, the only requirements for employees are that they carry an insurance card in their pockets at all times.  No work permits, no visas.  what a relief!  knowing that i will have a little money in my pocket has lifted my spirits tremendously, and having somewhere to report to on a regular basis has done the same.  As for now I'll only work three to four days a week, but that is just perfect- still enough time to get my yoga in, work on the wine exporting, and help out with Bosc di Sot.

The work is rather fun as well.  Basic barista duties, serving beer, wine and coffee to the masses, and there's always people to talk to, always music and cards.  I'm getting rather good at Briscola.  As the place is run by Condor and LucaBello, I haven't much to fear- they hired me knowing full well what a spaz I am.  I asked Condor last night if this all means that he is my boss.  He said, no, that he is the boss of no one.  Oh, that's right, I said, I forgot- we're communists. 

Lots more work to do on the house.  Apparently there is something wrong with the chimney over the cast iron stove in the kitchen and it has to be closed up.  This will mean more knocking down walls, more dust.  i refuse to be a part of this.  after knocking out the ceilings last week my throat and nose have not recovered.  my nose is constantly bloody, and i wake up all clogged and gooey, nasty drainage in my throat.  and this is the result with a face mask on!  there's no telling what's up with poor FL's lungs, but i think he's genetically disposed to be tough.  i, on the other hand, am a gentle fiorellina and require more protection.  the bathroom, though, is coming along wonderfully!  we got rid of the ceiling and exposed the gorgeous old wooden beams.  new walls are in, and we have ordered an glorious glorious bathtub.  the next step will be tiles and color schemes- we're thinking either emerald, or a soft mint if we get chocolate hardwood setting for the sinks.  vediamo.

good news on the wine front.  i'm getting some interest, some dialogue.  people in this business are, for the most part, unbelievably kind and helpful, so the energy is right, and my hopes are high.

other than that...fabio and simona at porchis returned safely from their vacation in Egypt (mad, but apparently is was gorgeous and sunny and all-inclusive at the 5-star resort for something like 300 euro including airfare, so...bombs and armed guards might not be such a bad trade-off.  they are definitely the only jerks in friuli with SUNTANS).  anyway, thank god they made it back safely, because now there's PORCHIS again!  lalala! 

and, mmm, FL's mom is making octopus salad tonight...can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Can you teach us Briscola while we are there. We love to play cards and are eager to learn. Are we allowed to go to the communist bar???
>Love Marion

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Georgia is going to hate us all... The word "comunist" in USA isn't the same as here... We have our ideas, we love freedom and in Italy that may come truth only with the death of that shit named Silvio...


Anonymous said...

Georgia considers that it is differnt in Europe and hopefully shows a kind of tolerance. It`s Italy!!!