Thursday, November 27, 2008

greetings from aix-en-provence...and happy thanksgiving!

*i wrote this on thanksgiving but never finished it, or published it, but here it is...

woke up this morning and my first thought was that i wish i was waking up in nanas old house. thats where i woke up on so many a thanksgiving morning. id always wake up in aunt kathis bed, and then go upstairs for scrambled eggs and bacon, and watch the thanksgiving day parade. then the rest of you would start to show up, my litle cousins, the lights of my life.
when we did grant family thanksgiving i always woke up in my old house. id be sleeping and would hear people start to come in. i would know mimi had arrived just by intuition, and then id hear aunt alice, and then hogan and grant would be running all up and down the hall. then a little later when the robertsons arrived alice ann would usually come and wake me up officially. id go downstairs and the house would be full and familiar. i love thanksgiving. i miss all of you so much.
so, oh my god, paris. am thrilled i survived. think i seriously came down with pnemonia for a couple of days. twice we were out walking, once in montmarte, one at a christmas market in the champs-elysses, and the sky opened up and poured. freezing weather plus rain plus converse does not mix. could not feel my feet and my lungs were rattly and full of water and i thought i had trench foot. angela gave me some theraflu and for an entire day i was blowing out what seemed to be live tadpoles. i feel better now but poor quinny is sick.

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