Monday, August 3, 2009

it is very early. angela has gone to try her hand at milking the animals, and i have opted for the vegetable garden this morning. zucchini flowers! last night mario made some delicious dinner with swordfish steaks and octopus simmered as a stew with white wine, oregano, and shallots. easy and absolutely delicious, served over toasted bread, in manner of boulaibaisse (sp?). we had olives that he harvested and cured himself, spicy cayenne pepper salami his friend in calabria sent him, and swiss chard. lovely. was so exhausted, practically crawled to my room afterward, climbed into bed, and commenced to cry (sob) for about half an hour. sweet angela handed me tissues and consoled me and whispered "sleep, sleep, i know, you're just exhausted, thats all...itll seem like a dream in the morning", and she was right. woke up this morning with my eyes all crusted over from tears, wiped them away, did some stretches, and it all went out of my head. have reached a conclusion and im gonna stick with it.

so today i take the milk we got yesterday and use it to make cheese! ill let yall know how it goes. oh! funny story, but ill write it later. im a hero to sheep everywhere!
ok, work time
love, ele


Amanda said...

Don't worry . . . think about all the things you've worried about in your life that you can't even remember now because it turned out just as it should have! And try not to cry. It makes your eyes all puffy!

Anonymous said...

Stop! I'm sitting at my desk with tears coming from my eyes and that's not allowed!! You can't be sad because that makes me sad, so stop, stop, stop!! It's all gonna work out the way it's supposed to -a master plan, remember???? Besides, I'll bet he's every bit as distraught as you are, but absence can sometimes be a good thing. He needs to be separated from you to appreciate being with you, right? Keep the faith, babe.
I love you! And I love hearing your goat stories - especially the one where you were trying to herd to lost ones. Keep blogging, please!

Aunt Keli

Anonymous said...

Boo, I second what your mom said. So many times the things you think are the most important life altering things at the moment end up being nothing big at all. Focus on the goats and the sheep. It sounds like you are able to communicate with them on a special level. I want to hear more of those stories. You also need to take more pics. I haven't seen any in a long time. We love you......AK

Anonymous said...

Do you remember what you told me about sitting in the airport when your "buddy pass" was blacked out and you couldn't get home? You said you decided to just wait a bit and see what happened. And something good did!! And it will again. You have plenty of time and "miles to go before...."whatever. He'll appear on the doorstone soon....I promise!! Please give Isa and Mario my regards and thanks. Hi to Angela.
Love you!!!