Friday, September 25, 2009

so, this is the deal. must be proactive with the situation and not slip into a pile of gooey laziness. is of course the italian "life lesson" to let your days pass idly, breezy, lunchtime glasses of wine, afternoon espressos for a little perk, maybe a jog or a trip to the post office, a few hours of "hard" work or study and then, whew! dinner. trying days like that deserve a good, long, relaxing dinner, right? while i am all for this lifestyle, an advocate for sure, theres still the american in me, which is a Nagging Guilt that bubbles in the back of my head, saying, "lazy bones, lazy bones, you are not CONTRIBUTING! you are not PRODUCING! you are not being a CAPITALIST! you do not deserve that carpaccio that melts in your mouth like butter because all you did today was easy, breasy vacation-type things". this annoying bit of americana that i cannot let go of has woken me up in cold sweats these past several morning, 5am, on the dot. find myself on the bathroom floor, pouring over the Job Finder pages of yesterdays paper, make mental notes on Plans of Action for the day, To-Do lists scrawled on scrap pieces of toilet paper, maybe write a page or two for my final essays (almost done!), review flashcards and mumble quasi-intelligible italian grammatical incantations. this last until maybe 7am, when all of the sudden im totally tired again. fall back into bed and end up sleeping till 10, which makes me wake up even more guilty than before. its lame. so starting tomorrow there will be a new regime.
will keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found the perfect job for you.

Dish Network has a channel called Veria. It has programs that deal with the natural, organic, and alternatives. Food, medicine, lifestyles, etc. Very interesting collection of shows. It is new and does not have a full schedule, like HGTV, and The Food Network had before they got big.

The other day I saw a new show about a guy travelling thru Italy, covering local foods, wine, etc. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and that YouTube video y'all had done. Maybe you should look into doing something like that. It would cover all of the areas that you are interested in.

Maybe do a 'Will Work for Food' type of show where you go to farms and film yourself learning how to do what they do, just like you are already doing.

If you end up doing it and making it BIG, I get royalties.

Take care, have fun, and good luck. Let me know if you need anything.

Love, Aunt Harri