Friday, March 20, 2009

hmph. apparently he has a fiance. oh well. i'm still on the wagon. kind of. i ate a bit too much and gnawed on one of my nails yesterday, but- BUT- i bought a copy of the economist which i am now devouring, so thats 1 point for me anyway.
feel bad though, because was on computer a bit ago with wet hair from shower and a cup of coffee (had just woken up) when angel face farm boy and my friend from rome asked if i wanted to go to lunch. my first response was "no, grazie" because i cant spend money on food, i have sandwiches to eat, plus im not hungry the first hour of the day, so i turned the invitation down. about 30 seconds later i realised that it was a beautiful day and i did infact, if not to eat, want to accompany the nice boys downtown for lunch, so i ran and threw on my shoes and a jacket and went chasing them down the street. but they are tall and fast and walk quickly and i was winded too soon and they had vanished. oh well.
so today i have to go to udine to do laundry. yes, thats right, there is no laundry service out here in the boondocks. so i have to cary all of my clothes downtown. while this is taking place i will read my magazine, the economist, and write the (non)love story of the spaniard down on paper for jane (she asked for it in the medium of a short story), and study, and take in the big city life. and tomorrow...VENICE!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your life sounds so dreamy, I can't believe you have to do your own laundry. Don't beat yourself up about being on the wagon. I'm sure that by the time of your breakfast invitation you hadn't used profanity or had a drink, so the day was off to a good start on your new plan. Go girl! Venice awaits you, have a great time.