Thursday, June 11, 2009

i've been bitten by a spider! twice!

warning: following post a little gross...

eeeeeeew. there are these nasty misquitos here called Tiger Misquitos (a misnomer, as tigers are special, beautiful beings, and these misquitos are nasty and not at all orange) and they leave gigantic, gooey, itchy welts all over poor little me. basically like flying poison ivy as far as my body is concerned. so last night im about to have a fit because i'm all itchy and have red bumps and then i see the really big one on my leg start to OOZE. right as i'm looking around for a surf-board sized nail file with which to SCRATCH, FL grabs my hand and tells me to stop. "look," he says, "thats not a misquito bite, not unless its a really scary misquito with fangs". i examine the messy bite area, and note that he is correct...this has come from something with fangs...two fangs capable of PIERCING. the OOZE is coming from both holes. theres another one on my back. almost fainted. luckily, italy has something similar to calamine lotion (except its green! yea!) so now i am painted up and pretty. john frey would love it. anyway. i have to watch out and make sure i dont come down with a fever or get really sleepy or anything. yuk.
have to go to the vineyard with swooooon, ill write later, i promise


Anonymous said...

Fangs??? You aren't going to turn into a spider after dark now that you've been bitten, are you? Will garlic ward you off? Or crosses? Or a stake driven... ok, you get the picture.

Sorry about your oozey bites. Do pay attention to how you're feeling (light headed, feverish) and watch for red streaks coming out from the bite marks. Also keep tabs on the amount of swelling and whether the bites feel hot. Spider bites can be tricky, and I feel the need to "mother" you right now!

Love ya!
Aunt Keli

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. You should go see a doctor just to be sure. Please blog more. Love you.....AK