Sunday, June 28, 2009

still sickly and grey outside. everyone here is perplexed and doing no-rain dances, and i'm right in there with them. my tan is Suffering with a capital S. on the bright (non-pun) side, rainy weather makes for lovely afternoons and evenings indoors, movies, snacks, snuggles, and the like. i'm trying to raise my productivity level by studying more, as these finals are INSANE, but i'm just
oh but guess what this little lucky duck called me gets to do this fourth of july weekend? no, not take a pontoon boat out on lake allatoona and slam miller highlife. no, not drink vodka and diet coke out of a water bottle and run amuck through the marietta square with john frey, swearing, despite how spectacular the fireworks are, never ever to do fourth of july at the square again (is it just me or do the flocks of north-cobb red necks multiply every year?). no, not put on sparkly star-shaped glasses and set off bottle rockets in someones back yard. this year, i'm going on mini break! to VERONA (oh, romance!)! TO THE OPERA!!! FL surprised me the other day with tickets to Aida, at the arena di verona, a beautiful and very famous roman colloseum where some of the greatest operas in italy are held. he said he knows its not "hamburgers and budlight", but that there are usually fireworks afterward, so is this ok with me? i threw my little arms around his neck and yelped. but i have nothing to wear! this is strictly black tie, and im so ill prepared!
on top of that homeboy got us tickets to see bruce springsteen at the end of july (bravo!). can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the (fat letters sublined) event - an opera in Verona in the collosseum. Very expensive and hard to get tickets. You have to wear something real dressy. I envy you - even though the operas last long......
Love Marion

Anonymous said...

You know you miss the red necks on the square on July 4th. I personally would take the red necks over the opera, but they probably don't have red necks there. Ha I envy you for the rain right now. It is in the high 90s every day and blazing hot and humid here. Park has been playing ball every night and all day every Sat and no complaints about the heat. She loves it. I got your postcards. I'll take it to mother today. I'm taking her to get her hair cut. Joy!!!