Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ugh, have a major headache. i reckon its from the pounding it received in my fall yesterday. my eye looks cool.
the weather here is gloomy and overcast today, makes me sleepy. i have an insane amount of work to do for my school. finally got all the info for my finals, and realised that it will take me the next 6 weeks to complete all of this. first things first is that project. told FL about the disasterous incident with simone and my writing skills. he said not to worry: with my mind (which he has deemed "infallable" and "bright"), my ideas, and his italian, we'd knock the project out together. good man. we're gonna work on it tonight. as of right now, i get to translate 45 pages of notes into english, and then translate 20 pages of responses back into italian. fun. whoo. hoo.
on a bright note, i think i might be going to ljubljana (spelling? the capital of slovenia) tomorrow. my friend goldian is having some sort of party and has requested my presence. will be nice to get out of cormons for a couple of days, and the train ride is very pretty.
thats about it for now...
oh, except i found out that aerosmith is going on tour again this summer (have been waiting for this for 4 years), and their atlanta date is set on my birthday. this news caused me to have a minor mental and spiritual collapse. am trying to find a deeper meaning to make this not just completely sad. something...anything...

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