Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ugh. my very nice ecology professor asked me if i could come in to school tomorrow morning to talk about The Test, i.e. The Exam That I Failed Fantastically (i say fantastically only because, if i dont assign a positive adjective to that disaster, i will shrivel up and die). not how i wanted to spend my birthday morning, as it will be MORTIFYING to sit there and try to explain myself ("um, yes, sir, you have it right- I didnt understand ANYTHING that came out of your mouth this entire past semester and no, sir, i never came to you for help. why? i'm not really sure; sometimes i'm just a complete idiot for no fathomable reason. masochistic? yes, i guess that could be it. anyway, sorry for wasting your time." etc). lord. maybe he'll let me take it again, or do some sort of project or take another exam in english or something. doesnt change the fact that it is now beyond obvious, both to him and myself, that i am a total loser. hmph. anyway, chin up. theres always soemthing that can be salvaged. and besides, tomorrow i will be 24 and it will be high time for me to grow up and sieze and conquer instead of being afraid and forgetful like my 23 year old self. so yes. new leaves, etc.


Mom said...

Try Scarlett's approach to life:

"I just can't think about that right now! I'll go crazy if I do!"

Oh Happy Days!!



Anonymous said...

Oh! I've been there! Sometimes it just takes a few mishaps to know what the right thing to do is. I'm sure with your charm he will let you retake it.