Sunday, May 31, 2009

motorcycle crash! totally my fault.
FL and i were puttering around cormons yesterday, a beautiful saturday, with not much to do. wine and ham and the like. we were all dressed up cause we had just been to his friends wedding, a real italian affair, calling on all the saints and a big white gown and the-father-of-the-bride-possibly-has-back-up-in-that-car-with-the-tinted-windows kind of stuff. was lovely, and pictures of the family and the happy couple were taken while the guests sipped Tocai and ate fresh picked cherries. so anyway, afterward, we went to porchis (obviously). FL was all in a fancy summer-style david mayer suit jacket with a white collared shirt, levi's (the nice pair) and his customary snake skin boots. we walked in to porchis and everyone stopped dead looking at him. the owner, fabio, who is just the cutest, said, "pipo. sei. bellissimo." which means, of course, "you. are. gorgeous." FL was all blushy and dimply and i nodded my head vigorously in agreement. encouraged him to keep the jacket on all day. so we ate some ham and considered our options. i said that i wanted to go horseback riding, which he has never done. he asked if it was hard and i giggled. then i told him that if he was brave and learned to ride a horse, i'd be brave and learn to drive the motorcycle (obviously not at all on the same level). he enthusiastically agreed.
so we went to la subida and rode thier ponies for an hour or so; he did beautifully. he already had the boots. after that we drove to a big parking lot where there was hardly a thing for me to slam into. i got up front and he got on back, and explained all the different controls and showed me how to use them. i told him i was ready to begin. i stalled out. mile an hour for 4.3 seconds...and slam, into the curb. managed to catapult us both onto the grass where, after a second of shocked silence, we both burst out laughing. i busted the headlight, have a mild black eye and major bruises and scrapes along the right side of my body. my first thought though, was about the david mayer jacket. it was completely fine, and so was he.
so now, never again. instead, ice and bandages, gelato bars and Batman movies. he's cute when he drives the motorcycle, so ill just leave it up to him. maybe a moped is more my speed. or a horse!

1 comment:

Mom said...

ok,that is a great, funny story! I imagined y'all on a winding road and running into a tree!! All is well.
