Thursday, May 7, 2009

wonderful yet heartbreaking day. spent the first two hours of morning lesson looking through the microscope at pieces of sauvignon flowers and vine, pretending to concentrate on the cells and eggs, but really being dazzled by the pretty colors and the tiny baby bugs crawling about. looked up at one point to find Swooooon staring at me with a blank expression on his face. My breath caught and i sputtered out, "the leaves are furry! and there's little animals! its so pretty!" brava.
hmph. is all too sad, actually, cant even write anything anymore. will forget. it. all.
so whatever. its an absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous day here. theres some sort of glistening white fluff that has been floating through the air all day, all over the place, as if all the angels in heaven picked up dandilions and blew on them at once. i have no idea what it all is, but its lovely! think i'll call the 'ol FL and go to porchis to enjoy the sunshine.
love, ele

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, don't leave us hanging like that. Finish the story. Tell us what happened and what was about to happen.