Tuesday, May 12, 2009

oh and yeah, no, coke lite is not the same thing as diet coke. coke lite is the european version of my favorite slice of heaven and its bullshit. but sometimes i just have to suck it up.
god had really an amazing weekend, and yesterday too. left class early again yesterday, not out of fear this time, but because it was so f-ing stupid i figured my time would be better spent watching aerosmith videos on youtube. our professor had us "brainstorm", that thing we use to do in MILE, you know, the teacher says a word and gives us 2 minutes to write a flow of thought. ok, easy, brain exercise maybe, start with "bread" end up with "construction site", that sort of thing. but like, the entire days activities consisted of this, for like, 2 hours, word after word. and the italians just did not get it at all. they were totally perplexed, asking questions like, "but why? why?", to which, of course, there is no answer. they wanted to know the "logic", and if the words were suppose to like, relate to the bread itself, or how to make bread, or how to grow wheat or...? they were completely up in arms, and i laughed histerically watching the professor trying to explain, i was practically in tears. was idiotic. then he had us sit in a circle and pass a pen, one person starting off with a word, and the rest of us saying a word that pops into our head. was a fine vocabulary exercise for me, and i tossed in the italian words for "blood", "destruction", "cist", and "palpitation" just to mix things up, and whenever i did the kid next to me would go all wide eyed with confusion and like, seriously try to find something relevant to that. finally i was like, ok, kids, i feel mentally limber, i'm gonna head out, leaving them to muddled, confounded frustration. went upstairs and right as i was considering going back to bed, my phone rang. was my adorable friend goldian, the italian-slovenian boy i stayed with in ljunbyjana. he said that he, too, was bored, and was considering coming into italy for the day. would i like to meet him in trieste? why, of course! hopped a train and an hour later i met goldian for a walk through that sunny city by the sea. was wonderful. he spent some of his childhood living there so he knew some good sites, and we watched the sailboats and went to a castle. when the sun started setting i headed for home, and called FL enroute. he offered to pick me up at the train station, and when i got there he was waiting with a fresh picked rose from his garden, all shy smiles and ripply muscly tummy under his shirt. knees went weak, and we went to have dinner. were suppose to have just paninis or something light, as last night we ate a freaking FEAST (literally, this restaurant was so insane, when they brought our food it was SO HUGE that all i could do was curse fluently in english and ask repeatedly, how in the hell do i eat this?!, much to his amusement. was. magnificent. and lord, the boy can eat, he cleaned our plates, and as i settled into my food coma my eyes glazed over with admiration and devotion for a man who took his food this seriously and there was, yes, just the slightest bit, just the tiniest hint...of...love...). but, you know how i do. we went driving out in the country trying to find a suitable restaurant, and i saw some twinkly lights and a sign labeled "il gatto negro", and the "just paninis" thing turned into a three course meal, seafood antipasti, maiale, pizza, beer, sorbetto. thought i was going to die, and not just from massive quanities of deliciousness. for the past several days, and im pretty sure the past weeks now that i think about it, i have been getting progressively sicker. first i was just tired, then i started getting little head aches, and by dinner last night i was kind of faint, slightly feverish, and my throat was almost swollen shut (beer helped. refuse to be outdone. throat or no throat, pizza happens). as i said, i went to the pharmacy today, so i should be ok.
anyway, lost my train of thought, and i have to go, actually, finally.
ok, mama comes soon, ill keep yall updated!!!!

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