Tuesday, May 12, 2009

super annoying. agreed to go on yet another cross-italia field trip with my horticulture class, this one to the botanical gardens in padova. while this as an idea sounds lovely, my professor insists that we go on a field trip a week, generally to green houses and other extrmeely boring places in cities way far away, and they end up taking forever and boring me to tears. told her initially that, unfortunately, wouldnt be able to make this trip, as i would be missing another class, and MAMA and the rest of the gang are scheduled to arrive today, and i want to be around to meet them. my professor sounded so disapointed when i told her this, that i relented and told her that i'd come. arrived this morning to rizzi at 8:25am. this meant that, despite the fact that i have an influenze that has forbidden sleep and found me rolling around in bed this morning with a slight fever and my throat swollen shut, i got up at 6:30am to run my ass to udine. we were suppose to leave at 8:30, and when i arrived, they had gone without me. turned around to come back to cormons, and found that there wasnt a train for 3 hours. so now...killing time.
but is ok cause mama, aunt gwynn, natalie, uncle jim, skip, hitch, and claudia are coming this evening! am so excited.
also, went to the pharmacy for the first time ever and successfully bought drugs! am v. proud of myself.
ok, am too ill to write, love

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