Wednesday, August 20, 2008

channeling cameron...not quite as bold as holly golightly

im sitting here listening to the noise from campo di fiori trying to get up the nerve to go out and eat supper. i keep reminding myself of that scene in ferris beuller where cameron is sitting in his car saying "i'll go. i'll go. i'll go. i'll go....shit!", except the one who keeps calling me making me feel guilty is myself. all a very tangled web, etc. ooh, maybe antonio has 'twist and shout' on itunes. if he does, ill take it as a sign and get my butt out of here. am dressed and everything...
i walked for so long today, all over rome, in and out, to the spanish steps and the trevi fountain and the villa bourgheisse (*note: im going to apologize now; i am a horrible speller. i realize that i have been spelling siena wrong, as well as even simple english words, so just bear with me, and correct me if you want, it will do nothing but help). it was incredibly hot and my shirt was sticking to me and men in business suits kept driving by on mopeds and i felt like flinging myself in their path shouting "take me with you, i need wind!"
ok. no 'twist and shout', but there are 4 different versions of 'my girl'. poor antonio. he broke up with his beautiful girlfriend of 2 years like, 2 weeks ago, and now he says that hes thinking of selling this beautiful apartment because he sees her "in everything, even the marble flooring". love a man who is sweet enough to have 4 versions of 'my girl', even if it is a bit sad-sack of him.
anyway, will go out.
wish me luck

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I was there with you! You wouldnt have time to Channel Cameron. It is good though that your having to do this. I promise you that one evening when you go out you will run in to a nice person who happens to know perfect English and have a great magical time. Even if they dont know perfect English just smile a lot they will love you.Hahaha One other thing is let yourself have awkward moments its not as awkward as you think they are and they pass as soon as they came! Love ya! Take lots of pictures I want to see everything.